Deities and Demigods (Dungeons & Dragons d20 Fantasy Roleplaying edition of the D&D(r) Monster Manual, and the D&D adventure Deep Horizon. Deities and Demigods is a rules expansion for the core Dungeons & Dragons Sam Wood has that kind of “ultimate D&D” look to his work, and Wayne “I draw. This supplement for the D&D game provides everything you need to create and call Along with suggestions for creating your own gods, Deities and Demigods .
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de,igods Results 1 to 8 of 8. Best Interior Art Deities and Demigods focuses on the role of the divine powers in the fantasy world, using examples from both fantasy pantheons and real-world mythology to illustrate the rules.
Like the Psionics Handbook and the Manual of the Planes, this product presents new rules that integrate seamlessly with the core rules, yet provide new anx of game play. An I expected the book to be more of a curiosity than a really useful use it every day type of book, it really didn’t do some of the basic things I would have expected it to do well.
Let’s take a quick tangent and look at Manual of the Planes for example. Now there’s another book that you’re not likely to use everyday unless you’re playing a Planescape game or one inspired by that erstwhile setting.
Still, Manual of the Planesas you read it, inspires you to want to play a Planes-centered game of some type, and it gives you the mechanics to do so easily and clearly.
The biggest problem with the book is that it reaches so high in scope but doesn’t end up grasping it’s drmigods. And with that poor metaphor, let’s look at the book a little more carefully. Deities in Your Game The deiities section is actually done fairly well. It will give you all kinds of options on how the divine interacts with your campaign, including describing tight and loose pantheons, monotheistic and dualistic systems, and animism.
Excerpts: Deities and Demigods
It also describes various other optional aspects of the divine demigodss you could use, such as deity power generated by worshippers, or independent of them, deities as meddlers in everyday life, or as distant and aloof beings, why mortals worship deities, demigors deities want to be worshipped, etc.
Each small section has an “adventure hook” paragraph or two which describes how, if you elect to follow this path, you can make it play into your campaign and generate things for your PCs to do.
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While that’s welcome and a good idea, the usefulness is considerably diminished by the fact that most of those adventure hooks are mutually exclusive, so you can’t really get that much use out of them. It also gives some guidelines on creating a pantheon that is workable as a game mechanic: My beef with this section is minor, and quite possibly personal: Deities Defined Then we get to the mechanics of deities, including divine ranks, salient divine abilities super-featshow to roleplay a god, divine agents like proxies, avatars and petitioners and how to read deity stat-blocks.
The divine ranks is a disappointing mechanic to me, as it serves as a “arch-level. As a deity advances in divine rank, the same holds true at an even greater pace. I found it unfortunate that so much is hung on the hook of divine eeities, as it makes deity ranking a little too pat.
In addition, an Intermediate Deity divine ranks of war would actually probably not be able to successfully prosecute any type of war against a high-level greater deity of any type, including one of the Harvest for instance not that there are any examples of such, but there could be Therefore, all of the complaints about levelling which typically I don’t make, as I think it works OK are magnified here. If you were to ever play a divine campaign, you really better pay attention to Divine rank, because that, more than any other factor, determines how powerful you deity is.
Some of the salient divine abilities are also a bit iffy. Annihilation Strike in particular makes gods who have it practically unstoppable to anyone of lesser divine rank then themselves see the ubiquitous presence of Divine rank again?
Personally I’d tone demitods one down significantly. However, the section on role-playing the gods, while small, is full of some gems of ideas, including personalities and such. However, when it defines experience from divine encounters, the advice basically boils down to “eyeball it. I have some that were posted on the WotC message board by the Sage, otherwise I wouldn’t have any idea what kind of baseline for ability generation, for example, were used.
That’s a major gaffe, in my book, and something I was demjgods disappointed in with the demigoxs. Chapters 3,4,5 and 6: Sample Pantheons There are four pantheons detailed in the book quite the reduction from previous editions, I know, but these chapters take up about pages or so as is Each individual listing contains a one-paragraph description of the deity, a paragraph or two about their dogma, another paragraph or two about their clerics and priests, and then a page or two of their stats.
A small illustration by Dennis Cramer of the gods’ symbols is given, and then a larger illustration of the god itself.
Not surprisingly to me, anyway my favorite illustrations are by Sam Wood and Wayne Reynolds. Matt Cavotta really does some good ones as well I really liked Boccob, for instance and Arnie Swekel even steps out of his role as the pencil-sketcher guy who does the yellow pages at the beginning of each chapter to provide a few full color illustrations. A curious fact about the art is that many of the illustrations are co-credited to Dennis Cramer.
Exactly what Cramer did to the picture is a mystery to me, as his style doesn’t show up in any of these co-credited works. Still, a curious fact nonetheless. My only complaint about the gods themselves is why are Ra and Horus combined as Re-Horakhty? In prior editions of the book that was not the case.
I realize that the mythology kinda suggests such a thing, but it’s still odd, especially when such common Egyptian names as Ra and Horus are combined and given alternate spellings. In addition to the actual god-entries, there is a small handful of other “mythos related” monster manual entries for all the real-world pantheons, including the cyclops and faun for Greek, the Minion of Set and the Greater Mummy for the Egyptians, the Einherjar, giants and valkyries for the Norse.
A new prestige class is added: Norse Berserk, and a little bit is also added in terms of new equipment. Other Religions In addition to those samples, the last chapter gives samples of a monotheistic religion, a dualistic religion and a mystery cult. Since these types of systems by necessity operate significantly different than a polytheistic system, this is welcome and well done.
Two more prestige classes are presented here.
Domains, Spells and Divine Ascension The book ends with a listing of some new domains, including the prestige domains of Defenders of the Faith which are now normal domains, and some new spells. Several pages are also given on how to handle PC ascension, and what kinds of activities and adventures they could face following such an elevation. These sections are well-handled, but not particularly special. As in the earlier role-playing demigovs, advice was good, but very brief, and many of the adventure hooks given were mutually exclusive: However, it failed to deliver on some of the basics.
Particularly galling was the omission of any type of chargen rules for creating your deity. The lack of much detail in what to do with gods other than “kill them and take their stuff” was also somewhat disappointing, although good DMs shouldn’t have a problem with that.
The lack of many of the older pantheons we had seen in prior editions, like the Celtic pantheon, the Aztec pantheon, the Chinese pantheon, the Japanese pantheon, etc. But without good rules to allow you to create these pantheons on your own, you’re kinda up a creek.
I would have expected them to perhaps be web enhancements, but the web enhancements available are completely different as well. It contains full color art that dragohs from amazing quality such as the pictures of Zeus, Deemigods, and a pair of battling dwarves, to the incredibly ugly The eqyptian dwarf god, Ptah, and Thoth who looks like he is molting.
Also the elvish and vanir gods look like lanky pushovers. If I was Gruumsh, I would have attacked Correlion as well. Freya the norse goddess of passion looks more like she would be singing at Lillith Fair than anything znd is described as doing in the Eddas. Dungeoms wise the book contains rules and advice on statting and portraying gods, stats on Selected Gods in the Greyhawk, Eqyptian, Greek, and Norse pantheons as well as some temples, monsters, and prestige xungeons.
Sample pantheons are provided at the end for monotheistic and dualistic pantheons. Gods as a default are immortal and cannot be killed but options are given for other defaults. The rules for divine characters create a new attribute called divine rank that is similar to character level but applied to divine power. Deitids deities and Quasi deities are divine rank 0 or 1, Demigods are up to rank 5, Lesser gods are up to rank 10, Intermediates are up to rank 15 and Greater are up to Gods gain divine abilities based upon their divine rank and the effects of these abilities are often tied to divine rank, such as attack bonuses that equal divine rank, etc.
Divine abilities are similar to super feats with sometimes epic prerequisites for class level or divine rank. A god gets one divine ability per divine rank plus a certain amount based on what category of divinity they are demigod, lesser, etc. One ability with interesting consequences is extra domain which adds one domain that the god can use and grant access to.
This means that gods with lots of domains have fewer slots for developing other powers. A couple ubiquitious powers are the ability to generate avatars, lesser versions of the god that are sent to interact with mortals, annihilating strike which can destroy anything of lesser divine rank with one blow with a fortitude save DC based in part on divine rankand alter reality which allows the use of any magical spell or ability at will. There are many offensive, defensive, and super class-like abilities for gods, as well as general use ones.
The divine abilities are generally workable and provide useful abilities and options for gods. Gods receive access to their domains as spell-like abilities. Gods have maximum hit points and generally 20 HD of outsider, and lots of class levels. None presented, however, have more than 20 class levels in any individual class. Divine Epic rules are given for advancing gods past 20th character level if not 20th class level.
These epic advancement rules seem overly generous if applied to nondivine characters. As a default Gods can sense within a certain radius of miles for all their senses depending upon rank.
They can also sense activities within their portfolio so Gruumsh, for instance can sense events that are affecting the Orc race. Depending upon divinity power category the god can sense events in the past and at greater power levels the future as well that affect their portfolio.
One aspect of divine statting that is not explained is how they assign or generate divine attribute points. There are only the examples from the sample pantheons to go on and the fact that many abilities require prerequisites of stats above Also there are no rules for advancing divine rank, although there is some discussion of the nature of divinity and ascension to god status.
Deities and Demigods (3e)
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The god write-ups generally take 2 pages each and they are in-depth down to the skill bonuses a god has and which is their favored race if they have levels of ranger.
The pantheons and accompanying mythological figures are not fully developed, but the major figures and most common ones are presented. For the Greyhawk patheon this includes every deity from the PH plus a smattering of other common ones.
Included in the Greyhawk pantheon are the non-human deities although only the heads of various race pantheons are presented. Noticeably absent here is Maglubiyet for the Goblins. Vecna is noticeably weak for a god, lacking the 20 outsider Hit Dice of most gods and having demiigods fewer hit points than any other god due to his undead status and lack of a often substantial con modifier to the many levels that almost every god has. The Eqyptian Pantheon apparently is from a later period of Eqyptian history when the commonly known Ra and Horus are combined into one deity, much as dragohs are in the Forgotten Realms.
Deities and Demigods
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There is a little bonus material for followers of Set. In the Greek pantheon they do not include any of the titans but they do include a race of fauns and an academy of philosophers.
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In the Norse mythos, there are some missing deities but most striking is the lack of development of Jormungandr the world serpent and the Fenris Wolf. They do have a berserker prestige class and sample einherjar that is divine rank 0 dead heros. There are a good number of samples to model creations on for making your own deities with the powers presented in this book. At the end it includes domains from Domains of the Faithful and a few other WotC sources.